Garden Tool List
Hand Trowel

A small handheld shovel-like tool used for digging, transplanting, and cultivating soil.
Pruning Shears

Also known as secateurs or hand pruners, these tools are used for trimming and shaping plants.

Protective gloves to shield your hands from thorns, dirt, and chemicals while gardening.
Garden Fork

A tool with sturdy tines used for turning soil, breaking up clumps, and aerating compost.
Garden Rake

A tool with metal or plastic tines used for levelling soil, removing debris, and collecting leaves.

A long-handled tool with a scoop-shaped blade, used for digging, moving soil, and planting trees or shrubs.
Garden Hoe

A tool with a long handle and a flat or V-shaped blade, used for cultivating soil, removing weeds, and creating furrows.

A two-wheeled cart used for transporting heavy materials like soil, compost, or plants.
Watering Can or Hose

Tools for watering your plants, with a watering can suitable for small areas and potted plants, and a hose with an adjustable nozzle for larger gardens.
Garden Pruning Saw

A saw with a curved or straight blade used for cutting larger branches or thicker stems.
Garden Sprayer

A handheld device for applying liquid fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides to your plants.
Garden Knife
A versatile tool used for various tasks such as cutting twine, dividing plants, or harvesting vegetables.
Garden Twine or Plant Ties
Used for tying up plants, securing branches, or creating trellises for climbing plants.
Leaf Rake
A wide, lightweight rake used for collecting leaves, grass clippings, or other garden debris.
Garden Scissors
Small, sharp scissors for precise pruning, deadheading flowers, or harvesting delicate herbs.
Garden Pruning Loppers
Larger pruning shears with long handles for cutting thicker branches or limbs.
Garden Spade
A square-bladed shovel used for digging, edging, or cutting through tough roots.
Garden Edger
A tool used to create clean edges along garden beds, pathways, or lawn borders.
Soil pH Tester
A device for measuring the acidity or alkalinity of the soil, helpful for plant selection and soil amendments.
Knee Pads
Protective pads to cushion and protect your knees while working close to the ground.
Hori Hori Knife
A multi-purpose knife with a sharp, serrated blade and a pointed tip, used for digging, cutting roots, transplanting, and weeding.
Hand Cultivator
A handheld tool with multiple tines or prongs, ideal for loosening soil, removing weeds, and breaking up clumps.
A pointed tool used for making holes in the soil for planting seeds or seedlings with precision.
Soil Scoop
A scoop-shaped tool, usually made of metal or plastic, used for transferring soil, compost, or fertilizer.
Soil pH Meter
A device that measures the pH level of the soil, helping you determine the acidity or alkalinity for optimal plant health.
Bulb Planter
A specialized tool with a cylindrical blade for planting flower bulbs at the appropriate depth.
Hand Weeder
A hand-held tool with a hooked blade or forked tip, designed for removing deep-rooted weeds or dandelions.
Leaf Blower
A powered tool that blows air to remove fallen leaves, debris, or grass clippings from your garden or lawn.
Pruning Saw Pole
A long-handled saw with a detachable blade, allowing you to reach higher branches or limbs for pruning.
Plant Labels
Small markers or tags to identify and label different plants or seedlings in your garden, helping with organization and plant identification.