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Summer Sweetness: Homemade Gooseberry Fool Recipe

Gooseberries are a versatile fruit, perfect for adding a sweet-tart kick to a variety of dishes. This classic British dessert, Gooseberry Fool, celebrates the unique flavor of these little green berries in a light, creamy dish. Here’s how to make it:


  • 400g fresh gooseberries, topped and tailed
  • 100g granulated sugar
  • 2 tablespoons water
  • 200ml heavy cream
  • 100g Greek yogourt
  • 2 tablespoons icing sugar
  • Mint leaves for garnish (optional)


  1. Place the gooseberries, granulated sugar, and water in a saucepan. Cook over medium heat until the gooseberries are soft and have burst, around 10 to 15 minutes. Stir occasionally to ensure the sugar dissolves and the mixture doesn’t stick to the bottom of the pan.
  2. Once cooked, blend the gooseberries in a food processor or with a stick blender until smooth. Pass the purée through a sieve to remove the seeds, then set aside to cool.
  3. In a separate bowl, whip the heavy cream until it forms soft peaks. Stir in the Greek yogourt and icing sugar, mixing until well combined.
  4. Gently fold the cooled gooseberry purée into the cream mixture, leaving streaks of green and white for a marbled effect. Be careful not to over mix.
  5. Spoon the Gooseberry Fool into individual dessert glasses or bowls, then chill in the refrigerator for at least an hour before serving.
  6. Garnish with mint leaves if desired, and serve.

Enjoy this refreshing dessert on a warm summer evening, ideally following a meal made with other home-grown delights from your garden.

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